Extinction Rebellion UK | September Rebellion Film, UK, NGO, CampaignsBy Team Clutter CuttersOctober 20, 2020View the work in support of the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill Like
SickKids Foundation | Bravery Beads Campaigns, Film, Canada, NGOBy Team Clutter CuttersOctober 8, 2020View the work by Cossette Like
My Choices Foundation | Mother’s Day In Lockdown Campaigns, Film, IndiaBy Team Clutter CuttersMay 12, 2020View the Mother’s Day work for the NGO by Dentsu Impact Like
Alkhidmat Foundation | Tum Akele Nahin Asia, Pakistan, Campaigns, Brands, FilmBy Team Clutter CuttersMay 4, 2020Like Like