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Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 1 To 5 December 2021

Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 1 To 5 December 2021

Brands that cut through: Spotify, Fogg, upGrad, Lido, Swiggy Instamart, Instagram, Kerovit.

Spotify | #SpotifyWrapped | Perfectly Normal For 2021

While Spotify’s annual Wrapped property is an excellent content tool, the way it is pitched needs to be contextualised for each year. That task is effortlessly accomplished in this set of films. There is an element of surprise that rewards you towards the end. Short and tailor-made for the task on hand. What better way to pitch this than by making us look back at the year gone by. While doing that, the brand also drops a couple of teasers from the findings, leaving one curious to know what more is in store.

Fogg | Fogg Fine | Strong Strong Nahi, Fine Fine

This went up online a few weeks ago but we noticed it only more recently on television. For the brand to come up with an extension whose very purpose is to cater to those who want something milder and different from its core offering, is a very healthy approach to building the portfolio. The creative execution is over the top, quite literally, and makes the spot not easy to miss.

upGrad | #FFwithupGrad

The brand is continuing with the #FastForward theme in a different setting. The recent work builds on the past campaign and spells out the benefits without ambiguity. The claim made with the number of people who have actually managed an upgrade with upGrad is compelling. That needed a storyline and Matthew’s rise is just what the doctor ordered – watched by a fellow professional with hubris syndrome, of course. 

LIDO | Small Group Tuitions | Make Success A Habit

The approach of students applying concepts they learn to real life situations is new. Lido manages to do that with two very interesting scenarios, one on the cricket field and one at the bus stop. While the brand manages to make its presence felt on that route, ‘Small group tuitions’ and ‘Make success a habit’ follow suit.

Swiggy | Swiggy Instamart | Soap

So the Instamart series continues, this time with the iconic Liril ‘inspiration’. Well done again, but one senses that with every spot the work may be losing its edginess. Iis it the time between the spots or the duration, I’m still figuring out. Or maybe it is just us, the cynics obsessed with advertising and getting an overload of it.

Instagram | We Are In The Making

Talking of sequels, this set that Instagram has put out under the #WeAreInTheMaking theme, subsequent to the couple of spots it pitched Reels with, is worth paying attention to. It’s a case of sustained, interesting spots that stay rooted in the core proposition. It also helps that they are brought to life vividly with pulsating energy that can keep the youth zoomed in.

Kerovit | Freedom Can Take You Places

Critics might argue that Ranveer and Anushka may not be the ideal choices to play aspiring stars facing auditions. But then whom do you go to? If one goes down that thought track, one might agree that using these celebs is a better bet than going to the next rung, for multiple reasons. We’ve seen people getting very excited about their bathrooms before. So the brand needed to do a little more. For this category, the work moves the needle a bit for sure, aided in good measure by the stars and the production. I’m still wondering though if the ‘Freedom’ pitch could have hit home harder. You win some, you lose some.

(Curated by Exclusive to FE BrandWagon Online. To feature campaigns or add credits, kindly email: /

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