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Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 1 To To 8 November 2021

Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 1 To To 8 November 2021

Brands that cut through: HP, Facebook, Titan, Swiggy, McDonald’s, Greenply, Reliance Digital, Bournvita, Bingo, Rapido. 

HP India | #DiyeSeDiyaJalao

The brand that gave us one of the most moving Diwali films in recent years, has delivered again. The 2021 spot bears a strong resemblance to the #GoLocal work featuring the lamp-seller and the little boy. In both instances, the prints are put to great use and to make a small business owner’s Diwali brighter. The use of the young boy as protagonist makes the work endearing. Great performances and production elevate the work.    

Facebook | #MoreTogether | Cricket

Facebook, which stole the Diwali thunder last year, has come up with a fresh piece of work that stands out with a cricket theme. This is an ode to the millions of cricketers in the Indian billion-plus population from whom the few that get to play for the country get picked. The brand manages to embed itself unintrusively in the storyline with posts on someone’s first cup and the like. The intensity and passion of this lot gets captured in swift, smooth-flowing frames of players from across the country. Every one of those players tells a story.

Titan | Mechanical | Moves Your World

It’s not hard to fathom who the target audience is for this piece of work. If the intent was to make the ‘mechanical’ watch cool for a relatively younger audience, the mission is accomplished with aplomb and finesse. The brand signs off in style, with the signature jingle that it is blessed with kicking in to the ticks and tocks of the mechanical. 

Swiggy | Swiggy Instamart | Tea

Swiggy Instamart continues its dream run with another spoof, this time on the iconic Taj Mahal tea work. The expressions on their faces are guaranteed to make you smile. 

McDonald’s | Every Memory At McDonald’s Is Worth Something

The celebrations for McDoland’s India@25 seem to have kicked off on the right note with this piece of work, for an online-cum-outlet activation. ‘Every memory at McDonald’s is worth something’ is a beautiful thought that aligns with the brand that has reminded us in the past of the value of time spent with loved ones (at its outlets of course). The idea of asking people to share memories in return for goodies stays true to the premise. The film manages to create the right mood for the brand’s milestone celebrations with its customers.  

Greenply | The Table | #YahanRishteBasteHain

Another long-ish film for Diwali that manages to cut through the clutter. This one also stands out because the table is the hero.  

Reliance Digital | #RishtonKiBoli

A  festival is an occasion to connect emotionally with consumers and that allows for brands to take off on unlikely but engaging tangents. #RishtonKiBoli is one such approach that warms hearts.   

Bournvita | #GetTheMessage |

From ‘Tan ki shakti, man ki shakti’ the spotlight is now on ‘Mann Ki Tayyari’. This is a commendable online initiative from the brand. These earnest promos with kids – unable to speak to their own parents – opening up to viewers convey the seriousness of the issue and the complexity of the problem. 

Bingo | Har Flavour Ka Alag Mmmm

Whacky and over-the-top humour with Ranveer Singh works for the brand yet again. The mix is helped in good measure by an equally competent cast. While the ridiculous plot keeps you interested, the proposition is unmissable.

Rapido | #SmartHoTohRapido

Aamir Khan and Ranveer Singh must rank among actors who can pull off any character in a commercial. Arguably, this is nothing more than getting the star to spell out the benefits of Rapido in a streetside food vendor role. But he pulls it off with characteristic flair as one would expect. More importantly, the thought that has gone into the ‘how’ helps the brand stand out. ‘Don’t become korma in a crowded bus’ will be hard to forget for those taking public transport.

(Curated by First published on FE BrandWagon Online. To feature campaigns or add credits, kindly email:

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