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Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 16 to 22 Nov 2020

Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 16 to 22 Nov 2020

Brands that cut through:  Parachute, Bumble, Bingo, Aqualite, Asian Paints, Saffola, PregaNews, CamPure, HDFC Bank, OZiva.

After Diwali week, we see a level down in not just the duration of films but also the quality of work. This could potentially mean that there’s some great stuff coming soon. We certainly hope so. 

Parachute Advansed Men | Good Men

A little recognition can work wonders in encouraging good behaviour and bringing about behavioural change. This film is a small tribute to the many good men who came through this lockdown. Breezy and light, the message fit International Men’s Day 2020 just right. Coming from a sub-brand of Parachute – which addresses both women and men – the work does make the parent brand look good to all stakeholders. It also manages to slip in the promise of making men look good.  

Bumble | For Your Eyes Only

This certainly grabs the attention of one of the protagonists and also of viewers. A smart device to lead to the ‘Make The First Move’ pitch. The message seems to be targeted at the female audience, the gender that is far lesser in number on online dating portals.  

Bingo | Aage Kya Plan Hai

That every youngster hears this is at social gatherings is known. The Bingo way of escaping the painful line of questioning through Ranveer Singh is brilliant signature stuff from the brand. That this brand of humour was also targeted by trolls for a certain agenda proves that they are not ‘jobless’ as some make them out to be, but gainfully employed.

Aqualite | Pairon Ka Taj

The soundtrack coupled with the visualisation of cushions beneath each step taken by different people works to create a wholesome film. ‘Comfort Dikhta Hai’ comes through quite literally on screen, making the message unmissable.    

Asian Paints TruStar | Jab Perfect Finish Ka Ho Sawal

This school of exaggeration-led humour isn’t new, but the campaign of multiple films has been executed well enough to pass muster – some better than others. 

Saffola Gold | Rakhe Heart Ka Khayal

We saw the same brand say #CareForHerHeart on World Heart Day in September. While ads with positive female gender portrayals generally tend to come across as making an effort, this film switches gender roles without much ado. This is far from the norm when it comes to gender roles in Indian advertising. But it is a sign of the times to come. 

PregaNews | #SundayIsMomday

We have witnessed brands encouraging us to think about women at home, their nutrition needs, their multi-tasking abilities, the need to share their workload and so on. But the journey has just begun and until there is equality at home, this conversation needs to continue. Set in the context of ‘work from home’ and a working woman also managing her house, this film is another reminder of the status quo. It’s nice to see the young woman wake up her family and speak up for her mother.  

CamPure | #CalmKare

We gather that this campaign went live on the brand’s YouTube page in mid-October but we spotted it only recently. The proposition of ‘Calms you down’ is spelt out in no unclear terms in under 15 seconds. 

HDFC Bank | Mooh Bandh Rakho

Quite unlikely coming from this brand one would think, but the rap-rendered banking fraud warning is a sign that they are changing. Apparently, there’s been an increase in online banking during the Covid19 pandemic and also banking frauds. It thus makes sense for a leading bank to spread awareness on the modus operandi of the fraudsters. One might argue that this format of content doesn’t allow clarity that such messaging deserves. But maybe the brand is addressing those who can follow each word effortlessly with this piece of communication. 

OZiva | Har Tarah Se #aBetterYou

“Fitness can’t be  measured by size.” They got you in line one (loosely translated). The different facets of fitness, as (re)defined by the brand, are subsequently spelt out. The film manages to do all this while portraying women on screen pursuing different fitness activities and visibly enjoying them. Work that’s fit enough to help the brand break the clutter in women’s health. 

(If you would like your campaigns featured here or add credits to any of them, kindly email:

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