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Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 19 To 25 May 2021

Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 19 To 25 May 2021

Brands that cut through: Cadbury Dairy Milk, HDFC Life, Britannia Pure Magic, Surf Excel, Mi, Lifebuoy, Practo, CoinDCX

Cadbury Dairy Milk | #SayThankYou

So the series continues. A nurse, a playground caretaker and more join the security guard, milkman and driver who were in focus during the early part of the campaign. This is a good time to think of some who we often take for granted and the value they add to our lives. The brand is showing people expressing their gratitude with Dairy Milk bars, but the larger message doesn’t get compromised by the product placement. If there was a time to #SayThankYou, it is now.  

HDFC Life | Take #TheRightStep

A series of spots here show folks doing the right thing, for fellow humans, in the midst of the Covid19 crisis. The protagonists featured are a reflection of the good souls around us doing whatever they can to help. Extremely relatable and relevant. #TheRightStep aligns well with the category too, in these times of life and death.

Britannia Pure Magic Chocolush | Lots More Choco, Lots More Magic

Here’s a playful film that fuses the magic of choco that the brand promises with a cosy moment between a couple, in the most natural of ways possible. Made with finesse.      

Britannia Pure Magic Deuce | #DeuceSomeMagic

So we missed this one from a couple of months ago, for another extension of the Britannia Pure Magic range, called Deuce. From the similar setting, one gauges that this possibly inspired the Chocolush spot. Smart play of words adds to the magic here.       

Surf Excel Easy Wash | Ban Jaaye Easy

Surf Excel’s little protagonist in this film is as endearing as his predecessors, and what’s more, there’s a cute pup’s reunion with its mom he engineers. He makes the reunion easy, but as is the formula, his clothes become dirty in the process. The brand then makes its pitch of ‘easy’ cleaning of the clothes. A time-tested formula, but one that stays fresh with ideas like these.

Surf Excel Active Hygiene | Paabandee Germs Pe, Iradhon Pe Nahin

Another little protagonist, in another spot we missed – this one from February 2021. A lovely line to sign off from the brand elevates the simple script.

Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner | It’s Finally Here

I’m not sure whether to slot this as a brand campaign or content. The unwritten definition is that if a viewer were to consume it for its value as a piece of content, it should get labelled as content. By that definition, this probably qualifies, despite the product being the hero throughout. There are films where a brand ropes in talent and negates their impact by telling them to speak from the brand manual. In this case, the content is watchable because it stays true to the DNA of the talent while pitching the product.

Lifebuoy | Practo | Free Doctor Consultation

A win-win proposition for both the brands, because it is a highly relevant offering for the consumer today. Lifebuoy also registers instantly when you see the man in the white coat talking. The brand has its visibility since March 2020 to thank for that.

CoinDCX | #BitcoinLiyaKya

In the category of cryptocurrency, over-the-top exaggeration is not remotely out of place. In an age of Bitcoin billionaires, this seems par for the course.

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