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Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 19 to 25 October 2020

Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 19 to 25 October 2020

Brands that cut through: Savlon, iDIVA, Shoppers Stop, Instagram Reels, Dollar, Lifestyle, Blue Dart, Cars24, Xiaomi, Discovery, Micromax, Reliance Jewels, HP. 

Savlon | #NoHandUnwashed

Just when you thought the fatigue around handwash had killed the messaging on it, here comes Savlon. They had a valid occasion to portray a person with disability and it has been done with utmost positivity and respect for the protagonist. She is a living inspiration; and this time, she also inspires us to use handwash.

iDIVA | Nip In The Bud | Three Years After #MeToo

A brand that speaks to women is speaking for women. This film has a critical message: if you don’t report sexual harassment, you are encouraging it. And this message comes through the tears of a mother who did not report the harassment she faced. A good 23 years later, her daughter suffers, thanks to the same perpetrator. If we can celebrate ‘Brotherhood Day’ with advertising, no harm in marking the #MeToo anniversary with such persuasive reminders of the rot that was rooted in the workplace – and possibly still is.

Shoppers Stop | #StopTheBias

In the past too, Shoppers Stop has made an effort to ‘Break The Bias’ and this series has more than the two films listed here. Each of the films is a powerful tool with which the retailer is making its poignant statement. With several brands using acid attack survivors, the LGBT theme, persons with disability and the like in their brand campaigns, it may actually become quite difficult even using these themes to cut through. Shoppers Stop manages to, because these true stories make an impact. The writing is gripping and has helped the brand string the different personalities together in a single campaign thread.   

Instagram Reels | Do Your Thing

It’s nice to see Instagram Reels roll out a campaign that is tailored perfectly for the space of short videos, one that TikTok has vacated and a whole lot of players are making a bid to get a slice of. ‘Do Your Thing’ is a statement aligned with the attitude of the creators. And the videos speak to the makers and consumers in their language and tone of voice. 

Dollar Mask | #DontBringTheVirusHome

Funny does it and does it rather well for Dollar here. The effort that has gone into the production translates into entertaining viewing.  

Lifestyle | Dil Se Diwali

The many moods of Diwali – from the silent to the loud and from the ‘glow’ to the ‘show’. This is a pretty, glowing and colourful portrayal of festivities interspersed with playful moments, brought to life on screen with poetic flair. But at the same time, one cannot fault it for being lacking in thought. 

Blue Dart | #WeMoveSoYourWorldCanMove

Life comes to a stop, whether it’s an operation theatre or an office, when something critical to their working hasn’t arrived. Hence the spot-on statement sans ambiguity: ‘If it’s important, BlueDart it’. Dramatisation, reasonably well executed to make a straightforward point strongly.   

Cars24 | #DuniyaBoliLagayegi

Why go to a car salesman / agent when you can get the whole of India to bid for it? That’s the proposition being made here by Cars24 and it is delivered with the right, light treatment.

Xiaomi India | Diwali Ko Happy Banake Rahenge

I am guessing we will see a few more campaigns on these lines this festive season and this is not a bad start. There is an urge and determination one senses among people to get things back on track again, for oneself and loved ones, and even those one works with. This is possibly the festive mood for the new normal. This film also stands out for its smart use of multiple influencers.  

Discovery India | #BharatKeMahaveer Anthem

Heroes of the Covid19 struggle will be celebrated in this series on the channel, and here’s an anthem created by Indian Ocean that does justice to the spirit of the show. The soundtrack is elevated by visuals of people who have really made a difference and who the nation looks up to – more than ever before.  

Micromax | #IndiaKeLiye

One may not agree with the brand’s comeback trail that started from Independence Day. But it is now evident that the comeback is going to ride piggyback on the Aatmanirbhar bandwagon more than anything else. The focus is clearly articulated and the founder making the pitch elevates it. When there are others speaking of ‘Made in India’, this approach might just give the brand an edge. Even if it can deliver a product and experience that is comparable to the best at corresponding price points, one senses that there will be takers for a brand that is rooted in this space.

Reliance Jewels | Utkala | Where Beauty Rises

The Utkala collection, inspired by the craftsmanship of Odisha, looks like one worth celebrating. For, it has been presented on a golden platter here and fused with the arts tastefully. The audio-visual rendition celebrates the richness of the collection with finesse and poise.  

HP India | Upgrade to HP

I ran these five spots past a couple of friends to validate my own first impressions. We seemed to concur that individually, each of them works and makes its point, though they could possibly be a tad crisper. Perhaps shorter edits created for TV would solve that problem. The plotlines are interesting and deserve credit as does the making. What could also have created more affinity for each of them is a common thread.  


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