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Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 23 to 29 Nov. 2020

Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 23 to 29 Nov. 2020

Brands that cut through: Tinder, Lifebuoy, Abbott, Tata Tea, TRRAIN, Khimji, Fortune, Johnnie Walker, ISL, CureFit.

We are seeing newer categories of advertisers like online dating dominating the narrative. The discourse remains inclusive, much like those that established categories have embraced. 

Tinder India | #InOurOwnWay

This ode to young love is worth listening to on loop. Without doubt, a soundtrack like this can elevate a film. That said, you need the visuals to match the vibrant tone. The film needed to capture the spirit of the youngsters featured in it and addressed by it. This piece of work doesn’t just tick all the boxes, it speaks the language of the young while celebrating their individuality. It also ensures representation of the LGBT+ community, making it inclusive. Tinder seems to have got the pulse of the young allowing it to create this fresh piece of work, using the backdrop of the lockdown to good effect.

Lifebuoy | Jhappi Pappi 

This plot around these two adorable kids communicates the need to stay germ-free without boring the kids with a sermon. It’s slice of life and hence quite believable. Any parent or kid will relate to this. There’s some Lifebouy work from Indonesia on similar lines with two little boys released this May, but this is a case of the adaptation being better than the original. Exceptionally well executed. And in time for Children’s Day.

Abbott India | Don’t Wait For Life, Live It

The four films of this campaign went live on YouTube in end-October but we just caught a glimpse of it. I am glad we didn’t miss this campaign, one that must rank among the best in the space of healthcare in recent times. The stories are light in tone and positive in approach, with thrust on the impact of the healthcare interventions in one’s life rather than on the interventions themselves. Stories of the old couple who step out to feed strays and the old man who picks up the paint brush with his granddaughter make the campaign watchable and heartwarming. 

Tata Tea Premium | Kadak Iraadon Vale Odisha Ke Liye (Odia)

Tata Tea Premium continues on its localisation journey, with campaigns to follow up on the region-specific flavours it launches. After memorable legs from UP and Delhi, here comes a ‘kadak’ version for Odisha. And that character comes alive on screen in the form of the protagonist. A woman who stays away from unnecessary confrontation but is later revealed to be a tough cop who can rise to the occasion. While better understanding of the language would have helped appreciate this work better, it still manages to strike a chord.    

TRRAIN India | #KhulkeBoloThankYou

E-commerce platforms urged us to thank their staff and we did feel a sense of gratitude after the lockdown. Now, ahead of Retail Employees Day (12th December), the retailers’ association is reminding us of the role played by the neighbourhood retailer during the lockdown. They are asking us to add just two words to the shopping list: ‘Thank you’. I wish there was more one could do for all those store soldiers besides thanking them. 

Khimji Jewels | Precious Moments, Made More Beautiful

These films quite literally attempt to showcase precious moments and how they could be made more beautiful with a touch of gold. Staying true to the line and the warmth each of the plots exude carry this through. 

Fortune Oil | #20YearsOfFortune

So the brand is turning 20 and that is good enough reason to celebrate, reminding people that a milestone has been reached. Milestones are critical to building trust. This tribute to the special food moments at home smartly helps underline the brand’s ‘Ghar ka khana’ premise. That premise was not discovered 20 years ago but much later. But it is priceless.

Johnnie Walker | #WalkInWithJohnnie (Click link below to watch on YouTube)

#WalkInWithJohnnie says carry your empty JW bottle to your favourite bar and the brand is promising to create a ‘timeless reminder to forge ahead’ with all the bottles it collects. The campaign is a nice nudge for people to return to points of consumption. With that being the focus, the film has a powerful opening to remind us of what we’ve been through. 

Indian Super League | Get Closer To The Action

“Nothing great,” said one football enthusiast who saw this spot. I would agree. But it did make you smile for a moment. And it did tell you how one can ‘Get closer to the action’ thanks to the fan wall at ISL. Mission accomplished. 

CureFit | Choose Wisely

What works for this is linking the exercise regime to the calories one has consumed during the festive season. Good timing and context for the use of a digital tool. 

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