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Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 9 to 15 Nov 2020

Work That Speaks | Ad Reviews | 9 to 15 Nov 2020

Brands that cut through:  Facebook, Ponds, TrueCaller, Unacademy, Paytm, PaisaBazaar, Vivo. 

The average duration of the work picked this week suggests that people are spending more time online than ever before. Is this a Diwali blip? Only time will tell. The standout piece of work here is over 7 minutes long. And it’s delightful.

Facebook | More Together | Pooja Didi

Do such people actually exist? The truth is they do and thank god for that. We have seen employers of all kinds during the lockdown and we have seen many sides to each employer, even. Some have risen in stature, like Pooja ‘didi’ here. It is no coincidence that she has no investors or shareholders to answer to. But she is answering her heart with her actions, with no expectations. And that fetches her returns in the most unlikeliest of ways. Cinematic, yes. But the embellishment is atop the human truth of inherent goodness and intent to help fellow humans in need. That Facebook has managed to seamlessly not just embed itself in this story but become the enabler of the plot is the icing on the cake. That we are in awe of how a film of over 7 minutes manages to keep us hooked throughout is testament to the skills employed.  When the bar is set this high, the list of ads reviewed alongside it is bound to get shorter. 

Ponds Cold Cream | Itni Soft Skin, Bhoolna Naamumkin

The thought is worth a thousand woogly-wooshes to the creators. This is as out of the box as it gets while still being real – in this case, through forgetfulness in old age or Alzheimer’s. The product ‘makes your skin unforgettable’ is a sparkling proposition that shines through. Full marks to the clients who thought it fit to sign off on this. 

My Choices Foundation | Chotu

Chotu. Innocuous as it seems, the real import of that colloquial calling comes through powerfully in this film. The work shakes you up and wakes you up to the reality of the children on the streets and employed before they are ready, including in unthinkable professions. Chotu is a reality check we are forced to pay heed to, even if it is uncomfortable to digest. This is also the second film from the agency-NGO partnership that one has noticed. Here’s hoping there’s more where this came from.     

TrueCaller | #JamTheScam

Content done right. With two youngsters blessed with comic DNA, a script that preceded them and was perfect for the part, and a brand that preferred to stand out rather than blend in.    

Unacademy | Cracking The Game

Timing is important in sport. It’s equally important in cricket-led advertising of this kind and these guys have nailed it. The core thought of linking learning concepts to happenings on the cricket field deserves a round of applause. The painstaking finishing deserves a standing ovation.    

Paytm | Khushiyan #PaytmKaro

The idea behind this isn’t entirely new. We have seen domestic help being paid through an app before. In the context of a Diwali where people cannot travel because of the Covid19 pandemic, it gets elevated. With the backdrop of the little girl whose smile is almost denied because of the pandemic, it earns our respect.   

PaisaBazaar | My Father’s Dream

Behind this film is the insight of a generation that was loathe to taking loans even for high-ticket purchases like real estate. Told through the daughter, the endearing story strikes a chord. Like many other pieces of Diwali 2020 work, one only ponders over whether this could have been as impactful or even more impactful in fewer seconds.   

Vivo India | #SmileWalaDiya

If kids were difficult to manage in normal times, try the lockdown. If you pass that test too, try Diwali during the lockdown. Easy? Add job woes to the backdrop and repeat. It is this real and relevant context that does the job for this piece of work. One hopes that like in the Vivo film, all’s well that ends well for all those in the dark about their future this Diwali.  

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